We test next week!

A: Deads -

1x6 at 60%, 1x6 at 65%,

1x4 at 70%, 1x4 at 75%,

1x3 at 80%, 1x3 at 80%

and 2x2 at 90%.

Super set with 3 x15 Bicep curls

B: 4 x AMRAP pull ups (goal is 12+ reps use a band if needed)

C: 4XAMRAP ring dips (goal is 12+ reps use a band if needed)

At Home Zoom Option offered at 6AM or Noon daily!



4 mins on 2 min off X 5

AMRAP and pick up where you left off

21 Odd object Hang snatch or KBS

15 squats

9 sit-up to a twist