WOD (Workout of the day) Blog:
6 minutes on 3 mins off x 3
AMRAP and pick up where you left off
32/28 cal row
16 Burpees over the rower
16 KBS 36kgs/24kgs
8 Ring MU
Part A:
12 C&J at 185/135
36 WBs
72 DU
Rest 3 minutes
Part B:
2:30 mins on 1:30 minute off
x 2
AMRAP and pick up where you left off
8 C&J at 185/135
24 WBS
48 DU
Rest 3 mins
Part C:
1:40 mins on 1:00 minute off
x 3
AMRAP and pick up where you left off
6 C&J at 185/135
18 WBS
36 DU
Part A: core prep
9 min EMOM
1. 45 sec plank
2. 30 sec hollow body hold
3. 20 Russian twist
Part B: For time
10-1 of Devils Press 50/35
40 DU after each set
In teams of 2 switching every round
10 rounds of
7 Thrusters 135/95
7 Burpees over the bar
7 ring dips
Rest 4 mins
10 rounds of
12 power cleans
12 T2BS
Part A:
EMOM x 16
1. Clean and jerk triple at 60%
2. Clean and jerk double at 70%
3. Clean and jerk single at 80%
4. Rest
Part B-
Back squats Pyramid
10 @ 40%
8 @ 50%
6 @ 60%
4 @ 70%
2 @ 80% and then back down the pyramid.
* only do 80% once
In teams of two, switching every round
8 rounds of
15 Power snatch at 135/95
15 C2Bs
Rest 2 mins
4 rounds
50 DU
5 ring muscle ups
Rest 2 mins
2 rounds
40 WB
40 GHD sit-ups