WOD (Workout of the day) Blog:
In teams of two: Switching every round
6 rounds of 10 OHS at 135/95 5 Wall Walks
Rest 3 mins
4 RFT 20 Deads at 225/155 80 DU
Rest 3 mins
2 RFT 30 WB 3 Rope climb
2:15 on, 45 sec off Until completion of 200/175 cals on the rower.
However at the start of each interval (including at 3-2-1- go) you must buy in with:
4 RMU 12 WBs 20#/14#
*Capped at 10 rounds. Can you finish?
4 mins on 4 mins off x 4 AMRAP in those 4 mins
6 power snatch 115/85
6 bar hop burpees
1 legless rope climb
9 S2O 115/85
6 bar hop burpees
1 rope climb
12 Front squats 115/85
6 bar hop burpees
1 rope climb
*On each AMRAP you must start back at the top with 6 power snatch regardless of where you finished on the previous round. *Score is total reps.
On the 4 minutes x 10
Odd rounds:
3 Back squats at increasing loads
1 set of unbroken strict pull ups
Even rounds:
3 Back squats at increasing loads
1 set of unbroken strict dips or push ups
"5 mins on 2:30 mins off x 4
AMRAP pick up where you left off
12 Shuttle runs (there and back is one)
16 KBS 24/16
4 gym widths of Handwalking (20 feet only = 1 gym width)
1:15 min on 1:15 Off X 10
Odd rounds:
10 BBJO 24"/20" 10 DB thrusters 50#/35#
AMRAP OH lunges (one DB only)
Even rounds
5 Devil's Press 50#/35# (two DBs) 15 C2Bs
AMRAP OH lunges (one DB only)
*Score is total lunges
Part A:
Every 4:00 x 5
16 shuttle runs (there and back is one)
16 DB lunges 50/35lbs
16 DB thrusters
Part B: Bench press
4x8 start light and go up in weight on each set
For time, partitioned anyway you wish with only one partner working at time:
20 rope climbs
120-cal. row
180 wall-ball shots,
3 RFT of:
25 box jumps overs, 24/20"
15 C2Bs
5 clean and jerks, 185/125 lb.
Rest 4 minutes
2 RFT of 16 box jumps overs, 24/20"
4 clean and jerks, 205/145 lb.
*Score is total time
18 min AMRAP of
18 cal on the rower
9 Burpees Over the rower
18 WBs
9 Strict HSPU
*Score is total rounds + reps