A:Core Prep
1 min plank 30 sec hollow body hold 30 Heel overs Rest 1 x 3
B: "Jackie"
1000m row
50 empty bar thrusters
30 pull ups
A:Core Prep
1 min plank 30 sec hollow body hold 30 Heel overs Rest 1 x 3
B: "Jackie"
1000m row
50 empty bar thrusters
30 pull ups
4 mins on 4 mins off x 4
Burpees over the rower, rowing for calories, and T2Bs
Start each new 4 min AMRAP fresh with burpees over the rower.
RD 1 - 21 of each
RD 2 - 18 of each
RD 3 - 15 of each
RD 4 - 12 of each
*Score each round separate for total reps