2 mins on
1 min off
x 4 rounds
12 DB Front squats 50/35
AMRAP BBJO at 24"/20"
rest 4 minutes
60 seconds on
60 seconds off
x 4 rounds
12 DB Push Press 50/35
48 DU
AMRAP Front rack lunges 50/35lbs DBs
2 mins on
1 min off
x 4 rounds
12 DB Front squats 50/35
AMRAP BBJO at 24"/20"
rest 4 minutes
60 seconds on
60 seconds off
x 4 rounds
12 DB Push Press 50/35
48 DU
AMRAP Front rack lunges 50/35lbs DBs
3 RFT of:
25 box jumps overs, 24/20"
15 C2Bs
5 clean and jerks, 185/125 lb.
Rest 4 minutes
2 RFT of 16 box jumps overs, 24/20"
4 clean and jerks, 205/145 lb.
*Score is total time