Part A: Snatches
On the 2 minutes x 10
3 full snatches at increasing loads
Part B: Back squats
5x6 at increasing loads.
Start at roughly 60% and work up on every set with the aim of finishing a little above 80%
Part A: Snatches
On the 2 minutes x 10
3 full snatches at increasing loads
Part B: Back squats
5x6 at increasing loads.
Start at roughly 60% and work up on every set with the aim of finishing a little above 80%
3 rounds of each cycle.
Each cycle is followed with a 3 min rest.
Cycle #1 3 mins on 90 sec off
20/18 Cal row/ 18 Burpees over the rower/ AMRAP KBS at 2/1.5
Cycle #2 2 mins on 1 mins off
15/13 Cal row/ 13 Burpees over the rower/ AMRAP KBS at 2/1.5
Cycle #3 1 mins on 1 mins off
10/8 Cal row/ 8 Burpees over the rower/ AMRAP KBS at 2/1.5