In teams of two
Start with 1 mile together
Then switching as needed
6 rounds of
10 sandbag cleans 150/100,
10 DB step overs (20/24, 50/35s),
4 rope climbs
Finish with 500m run together
In teams of two
Start with 1 mile together
Then switching as needed
6 rounds of
10 sandbag cleans 150/100,
10 DB step overs (20/24, 50/35s),
4 rope climbs
Finish with 500m run together
Partner WOD
AMRAP in 24 minutes
Switching as needed
24 Cal row
2 Rope Climbs
36 DB deadlifts 50/35lbs
2 rope climbs
48 DB Thrusters
2 rope climbs