4 mins on 4 mins off X 4 rounds
AMRAP and pick up where you left off for total reps.
12 Thrusters at 95/65
48 DU
24 T2Bs
48 DU
12 Power snatch 95/65
4 mins on 4 mins off X 4 rounds
AMRAP and pick up where you left off for total reps.
12 Thrusters at 95/65
48 DU
24 T2Bs
48 DU
12 Power snatch 95/65
4 mins on 4 mins off X 4 rounds
AMRAP and pick up where you left off for total reps.
12 Thrusters at 95/65
48 DU
24 T2Bs
48 DU
12 Power snatch 95/65