It’s always fun to look back on a year. It’s funny, I do it a few times throughout the year where I start sifting through photos from the year, and then 2, 3, 4 and 5 years – all the way back to when we still had off-line photos. A few things happen when I do this – first, I think, “OMG, where has the time gone?!” I swear, my babies were just tiny and I was rocking them to sleep. How did they get to be these big kids? Next, I smile – at the memories, at the journey, at the little things that I may have forgotten in the craziness of our day to day.
We are celebrating 6 years at 306, so naturally, I went down memory lane and re-lived our little venture. I remember the nerves and excitement when we found our building and the “LEASED” sign went up on the door. We had to make this work – we put our life saving into it, so we put our heads down and worked. We didn’t know if it would work, we had doubts, but my dad said, “Are you going to stand at the door with a gun, telling people to go away?”…um “no”…”Well, then work hard, no a good job and it will work.”.
We opened our doors on December 01, 2011. We had 2 people come at 7:00am and then no one until the 5:00 class. And then, you know what happened? People came in and they kept coming in. We grew our business from Jason coaching every single class, every single day, to adding another coach. Then, Jason and I shared the work-load. I am happy to say that over the last 6 years, we have built a team of amazing and talented people – Kelsey, Eric, Steven, Beth, Sam, LT and Elektra. Each of them brings their own personality and coaching style. They are a talented group and we feel very lucky to have them on our team.
We have grown in members and programs over the years. We have expanded our facility by adding our lifting room. We have sent individuals and teams to Regionals. Many have competed in local competitions and we have grown our own 3 on 3 competition. We have had people come and go, we have celebrated births and mourned deaths. We have forged friendships and had many laughs, all in the process of getting a little fitter along the way.
Along with all of these changes, we have kept learning and growing. We have been lucky enough to be around this sport when not very many people did it or knew of it. Competitions were few and small. The biggest thing that I have learned over the years…CrossFit isn’t about fitness at all. That sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But, people come for the fitness but stay for the community. Fitness is just what we do together, but why do we walk through the door every day? I think it’s for the smiling faces, for the hour or so that you get to lose yourself. You get to turn your mind off and just sweat. In the gym, age, gender, titles, etc. disappear and we are stripped down to just us. No status, just people – friends coming together. We just happen to do fitness together.
Looking back, I have no regrets. I am so happy that we risked it all and dreamt big. I am grateful that I get to work with my husband every day and do something that we believe so passionately in. I love that we get to meet so many interesting people and be a small part of their story.
Thank-you Saskatoon and the greater area for an incredible 6 years! Thank you to our coaches for making up an incredible team. You guys are amazing. Thank you to Summit Sports and Wellness and Vitality Nutrition for being partners in business and adding value for our members. Thank you to my beautiful girls – you guys have been so supportive and understanding with your dad and I. You have happily taken vacations to places like Portland (because that’s where Regionals were). Finally, thank you to my husband, business partner and best friend, Jason. You have given your whole heart and soul to making this work. You write a program that is the best out there and you continually develop yourself and lead by example. You make everyone around you want to be better. It’s been one heck of a ride so far and I can’t wait to see what the next years bring. Thanks Friends!