2024 Members of the year

2024 Members of the year

Last night at our annual Christmas party, we continued our tradition of acknowledging two athletes. These members have demonstrated qualities of leadership, selflessness, and community engagement and have embodied our motto of “Community Above Else” with their actions. Last night’s winners were Claudia Weber-Marx and Elliott Procyshen. Please read below the speeches that were made in their honour.

How The People We Surround Ourselves With Affects Our Wellness

Often, a main priority when it comes to personal wellness lies within the physical realm of our being. We consider how we can take care of our physical bodies - the way eating a piece of cake will affect our body and nutrient requirements, the way drinking enough water will help to keep our brain functioning at an optimal level while aiding with healthy digestion, or the way exercise helps to maintain muscle mass as we age allowing us to have the vessel that will carry us to live a happy life. And though we know far more intricacies are involved in our wellness, some areas tend to be forgotten. We often fail to acknowledge the significance of people and relationships…


    Chalk & Awe - Medals, Provincial Records, and 6 for 6 performances   October 5, 2024     On October 5, the 306 Weightlifting Club and 306 High Performance Teens hoisted some big weights at St. Mother Teresa School for the 2nd annual

Chalk & Awe - Medals, Provincial Records, and 6 for 6 performances

October 5, 2024

On October 5, the 306 Weightlifting Club and 306 High Performance Teens hoisted some big weights at St. Mother Teresa School for the 2nd annual Chalk & Awe competition. 15 athletes from 306 took the platform for the first meet of the season, where the team produced a lot of hardware, provincial records, and 6 for 6 wrist bands. The competition had over 60 athletes from all over Saskatchewan and few from Manitoba… 

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

September 30th is a day for truth and reconciliation. Please take a moment to partake in any way you can to show respect however works in your life, whether it be research, a moment to think alone, or an event with the community. This day is one that is meant to honour the children who never returned home from residential schools as well as the survivors and the impact it had and continues to have on their families and communities. 

Creating a Wellness Routine as We Transition to Fall

Creating a Wellness Routine as We Transition to Fall

The sun is setting earlier, the air feels crisper, and peaches are going out of season. We know this all too well as the first indicator that summer is coming to a close. I often think of summer as the season of health and rejuvenation, "glowing up" and turning into the best, most beautiful version of myself; the tan, the ability to be active daily with ease as there is no fighting for our lives in -40 degree weather, the restful lake weekends. But, now that this period is coming to a close, does that mean one must just revert to winter hermit mode in anticipation of the upcoming months? Luckily, we will have the opportunity to ease into things with the slow cool in temperature and beautiful autumn months as things begin their gradual pickup before the true craziness that seems to occur in the new year. Thus, this makes the perfect time to implement new habits and create a wellness routine that you can sustain as life begins to feel more hectic, and our wellness seems like the easiest thing to sacrifice. And though none of the tools and tactics I am about to suggest are revolutionary and may seem obvious, that is intentional as sometimes the reiteration of accessible tools that make a big difference is precisely what we need to make a change and implement the tactics we all know we should...

306 W.C. at the Canadian jr Championships!

306 W.C. at the Canadian jr Championships!

A quick recap of our clubs performance this past weekend at the Canadian Jr Championships in Scarborough Ontario.

Nizanna Corrigan - First nationals, hit a personal best clean and jerk!

Liv Mortensen - 3 new youth provincial records and a 28kg improvement from last year. 119kgs to 147kgs!!

Carter Pavelich- Came back from a dislocated shoulder to pick up a silver medal in the CJ and narrowly missed a medal in the total.

Owen Withrow - New comp PRs. Added 21kgs to his National total from last year.  From 188kgs-209kgs!

Ben Rogers - 2 bronze medals, one for each the C&J and total!

Brynn Delainey - Officially made international standard level 2! Qualified for both PanAms and Commonwealth championships!

Erica Schryer- Became our clubs third national champion in 4 years! Triple golds (snatch, C&J, and total) and 3 new Jr Provincial records!

A total of 6 medals including three golds.  An incredible performance by our Jrs in our club!

Another huge testament to the quality of coaching and programming offered by our coaching team - Jack Nash, Nick Korchinski, and myself.

Bring on the 2024/2025 season!

$100 000 and counting, #BeLikeBruce a legacy like no other!

$100 000 and counting, #BeLikeBruce a legacy like no other!

This weekend marked the final weekend of the #BeLikeBruce Fitness Festival. A pancreatic cancer research fundraiser, that was part triathlon and part CrossFit competition in honour of the late Bruce Gordon.

In total over $100 000 has been raised since the creation of this fundraiser, in 2018. This weekend alone, an additional $15000 was added to the cause. Further contributing to the development of treatments and hopefully one day a cure for this devastating disease.

These giant undertakings would not be possible without the hundreds of volunteers that we have had access to over the years, the hundreds of athletes, and of course our sponsors.

A big thank you to our sponsors this years, Josh and his team at Supplement World, Elliott and his crew at Calidon Equipment leasing, Kurtis at E3 Chiropractic and Wellness, Dale at Victory Safety and Training, Adam at The Kryo.

To Chris Gordon and Lacey Schroeder, thank you for your efforts, leadership, but most of all your friendships.

May the #BeLikeBruce live on forever, and to my good friend Bruce Gordon, Rest In Peace Bruce. Talk soon.


Another Big Step Forward

Another Big Step Forward

So proud of our weightlifting club!

This year we had three lifters, two coaches, and one official selected to represent team Saskatchewan at the Canadian Senior Weightlifting Championships.

Every year our club learns and improves.  This year we had a junior lifter (@erica_schryer_9 ) qualify and narrowly won her session.  Laura Carruthers @_lauracarruthers_ had a solid day and added 15kgs to her total from last year and will be a medal contender for years to come.  Angela McDada @admm9 took home the silver in the snatch and has now medalled in back to back years!

To our coaches @nkorch and @jacknash5 thank you for doing a terrific job in developing our athletes.  To @katheelekorch thank you for all the work you do for weightlifting in Saskatchewan and for our club!

Can’t wait for next year!

- Coach Jay

Congratulations to Ashley and Cecil!

Congratulations to Ashley and Cecil!

As part of our yearly tradition, we award two members for their exemplary  leadership, support and dedication to our 306 community.

This year’s winners are - Ashely and Cecil!

Thank you both for your continued loyalty and dedication to our wonderful 306 family!

”Community Above All Else”

Below are the speeches from the presentation of the awards at our annual Christmas party!

Ashley Drayton 

Our female recipient is relatively new to our membership.  However, from the moment she joined us, she fit right in. Within a few classes she was cheering everyone on through one of many ridiculous workouts. 

She quickly took on the additional steps to showcase her leadership, acting as captain of some of our Open teams.  Through the Open her team’s presence on social media was undeniable. 

She volunteers or competes at all of our events and competitions.  She is always more than willing to help in any situation. 

She’s a huge advocate for what we do and is constantly recruiting new members and bringing people to to try their first class. 

She’s coachable, and though on a few occasions she has been on the brink of tears in the middle of a WOD she is resilient and shows up daily with a huge smile on her face. 

A lover of rowing, and maybe not so much HSPU, Ashley Drayton personifies community and this is why she is this year’s recipient of our female community leader award. 

Cecil Shresta

Selflessness.  Grit.  Loyalty.   

I can’t think of three better words to describe this year male recipient of our Community Leader Award. 

Since he walked into our gym almost 8 years ago, he has held one of the highest levels of attendance.  But on top of showing up daily WODs, he also attends all of our events, and competed at every 3 on 3 and BeLikeBruce events since joining us.   

He selflessly joins any team that is looking for a partner, knowing full well that even though he is closer to 50 than 20 he will still have to lead his teams and take on the bulk of the workload. 

He’s pleasant in every class, and what he likes in mobility he makes up in determination.  He’s helped me with IT issues, business advice, and even age-related questions. 

Potentially the only athlete that we have that can split snatch effortlessly, brings a suitcase worth of aides to every session, and is constantly making efforts to ensure everyone feels part of our community. 

This year’s winner is Cecil Shresta.  Cecil thank you for being a terrific member, athlete, and an amazing leader within our community. 

You walk in with a smile, you have single handledly bought more hats than almost everyone else combine, and your willingness to keep finding ways to improve is inspiring.  Members like you are why coming to work every day is a treat and not a chore. 


Cheers to you, my friend! 

Happy Birthday 306!

Happy Birthday 306!

This Friday our little community officially turns 12 years old!

This is a huge accomplishment for any small business and even greater considering the volatility in the fitness industry and of course the existential crisis that COvid-19 brought to our doorstep.

This Friday will be a day of celebration! Come in, make a sweat angel, get a high five, and connect with friends. Our classes are free all day to all past, present, and future members.

“Community above all else”

Welcome to the team, Lisa!

Welcome to the team, Lisa!

We are very excited to officially welcome our new full-time morning coach, Lisa.  Lisa has been a part of our community for the past couple of years and is such a wonderful human.  When Lisa came forward with interest in coming on board as a full-time coach, we were excited to know that we were bringing in such a kind person with extensive experience and knowledge and training in not only CrossFit, but in recreational therapy (her field of study).

Don't be afraid of moving forward, the future is bright 😊

Don't be afraid of moving forward, the future is bright 😊

Don’t be afraid of moving forward, the future is bright 😊

It is with very mixed emotions that I write this today.  Coach TJ has accepted a role as Community Liaison Coordinator with the Saskatoon Fire Department.  Over the past 4 years, TJ has been the face of our morning classes at the gym, a loyal and trusted employee, and a great friend.  So, we are sad that we don’t get to have him everyday, but more than that we are thrilled for him.

Thank you to our incredible community!

Thank you to our incredible community!

Thank You!

For 10 years we’ve hosted the 3 on 3.  For ten years I generally have received the same feedback year after year.

“Wow this is challenging programming”, and “I love how well the event runs, it’s so smooth and on time”.

The reason why our events always start on time, finish on time, and run smooth is by design not by accident.

I dedicate three months to planning all the details of the 3 on 3.  Once that’s all done, I recruit all the volunteers that we need ensuring we have the right people in the right places.  Those people then take over and by the time the 3 on 3 starts everybody knows their task and implements them flawlessly. My volunteers even solve problems as they arise on their own because we are all on the same page, and our mission is clear, deliver the best possible event for our athletes and spectators.

I couldn’t ask for a better community or group of volunteers.  To all my volunteers thank you!  Our success is your success.

Head Judge - @nich.tj
Corral - @chris_g_gordon and @tracymurton
Head of logistics - @chefant2.0 and Chris Read
Emcee - @katheelekorch and @awinterhalt
Head of volunteers- @rwinterhalt
Score master - @evanduval79

Judges and equipment -
@sharoquekhan @j_mccarthy54 @_lauracarruthers_ @nichelle.leann @corysolheim ,Carmen, Shawn K, @erica_schryer_9 @krystenhendriks @shleyd @tanyabellyxe @kfuchs04102014 @corrinerochelle

Thank-You to our Kick A$$ Community

Thank-You to our Kick A$$ Community

As many of you know, the world championships for our sport happened this month – The CrossFit Games. We have been around this sport for a very long time now and it is crazy to look back and see the evolution of it all. The athletes gotten stronger, fitter, and faster and now represent a number of countries from around the world. They look different than they did and can do things that we never thought possible 10 years ago. But the one thing that has remained constant and true in this sport is the community.

Summertime Eating

It's summertime! A time filled with lake days, barbecues, and ice cream dates. All of which are things that you should allow yourself to indulge in. When it comes to healthy eating, it is all about being smart, and we know that strict diets are seldom the answer; however, as bathing suit season is among us, it is often tempting to fall for those diets that "guarantee" quick results…