Nutrition. It’s the largest building block of a healthy lifestyle. It’s the base of the pyramid in the hierarchy of fitness pyramid so prominently marketed by CrossFit. As it should be. It is also the most confusing and twisted subject that we deal with in the functional fitness world.
Meredith Root is a CrossFit Games athlete who dedicates her life to helping others with their nutrition and all the science behind it. Read her article in The Morning Chalk Up.
I think a large part of the confusion comes from not knowing “who we are” within the world of CrossFit and health. I wrote a blog last month touching on this (see “Why Is Nutrition So Confusing”, 20 Jan). We are constantly fed (pun intended) the latest and greatest diet and fad eating thing. They often directly contradict each other from one article to the next. Meredith Root is a CrossFit Games athlete who dedicates her life to helping others with nutrition and the science behind it. She recently released a very concise and simple article shared by “The Morning Chalk Up” to help clear some things up. As the article talks about, it’s important to understand where we are as a member of the CrossFit World. Honestly. Not who we think we are or who we would like to be, but who we are. Meredith breaks it down into three easy to fall into categories.
Take a read of the attached article below. It’s definitely worth the read! It’s one of the best nutrition articles I have read. Be honest with yourself. What are your goals? From there, it’s simple to decide which of the three categories to focus on. Nutrition does not need to be overly complicated, time consuming and difficult to follow. It can be; and even sometimes it should be. But that is only on the very tip of the spear - the 1%. We, myself included, are not that and fact of the matter, when we get down to it, we don’t want to be that. I enjoy my wings and donuts once in a while!