We all have a story. What brought us into the gym for the first time. For most, the gym means more than just improving our fitness. It becomes a place where you can lose yourself and find yourself all at the same time. I love learning people’s why…here’s our friend Cecil’s…
I've always been somewhat fit and healthy. I worked out at a gym recreationally for years. One year, I left the gym and ran. I ran for miles and miles per day and I ran every day.
After a year of that, I found CrossFit. It was a new experience. Being with like-minded people in a supportive environment who only wanted the best for you and helped you with your skills and moving forward. Rather than competing with each other, CrossFit helped me focus on competing with myself. I wasn't working out alone or running by myself. I was with like-minded people.
And then, my world ended (separation, divorce, job loss). I went through a significant period of change in my life.
The only constant was CrossFit and my coaches. I felt that my life was in shambles, but CrossFit help me pick up the pieces and provided a supportive environment that only wanted the best.
Every time I was down on myself with outside events, I felt the people in my classes and my coaches gave me a proverbial help up and reminded me that the world hasn’t ended and that I would get through it (like the Filthy 50s or during Murph).
That’s why I stayed.
That's why I say that CrossFit changed my life.
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Once I left Calgary for Saskatoon, I wasn’t sure what to do. I was worried that the “magic” of my old box wouldn’t be duplicated again and that lightening wouldn’t strike twice.
I asked my coach what I should do.
“There’s this guy who runs a gym in Saskatoon. You’ve seen him compete in Regionals against me. His name is Jason Cain. He’s a good guy. Trust me.”
I came to Saskatoon. I sent Jason an email. I actually forgot about it. He responded and reminded me to come to the gym.
I came to the gym.
Sure, it was different.
However, I’ve been here before. Like the old box.
The first day when you don’t know anyone and you have to give write your name on the board. I remembered that I was here before and I would treat it the same way and see if the magic would continue.
It did.
And here I am.
I still remember.
“Zac (my old coach), what should I do?”
“Some day, you pass it forward. Be the person that you needed when you were down. Be that person.”
That’s why I’m here. Community Above All Else.