Buy A Skipping Rope!

In my time coaching here at 306 in Saskatoon, one of the questions I get asked most often is:

“How do I learn double unders?”

While I have yet to find that pot of gold under the rainbow to have a definitive answer to that question, there is a very simple place to start.  Buy yourself your own skipping rope!  Think about this. When you get in to any vehicle other than your own and start driving.  The vehicle feels different. The brake and gas pedal have a different feel. The controls are all in a different place. It shifts different. Sure, it drives down the road in the same manner and goes from point A to point B.  However, it feels totally different.  Now imagine you were just learning to drive.  Every time you went to drive, you had to do it in a different vehicle.  You certainly are not going to help your situation.

The same thing applies to learning double unders.  You need consistency.  Down to the smallest detail.  I remember when I was learning and would practise at the fire hall on the concrete floor.  I had my own rope but even the different friction from cement floor to rubber floor changed the way the rope felt.  Having your own rope allows you to get used to the way the handles feel in your hands. The cable is the exact same length each time.  A revolution of the rope feels the same each time.  All of these things are incredibly important in being familiar with the movement. If you can skip, you can double under. You have the physical ability.  It is then a matter of coordination and consistency is key in that!

You will not hear me “selling” anything very often.  Not my thing. However, if you want to know about something and come and ask me, I will humbly share everything I can to help out.  I’m not selling skipping ropes but I will tell you that you should go out and buy your own quality rope if you have hopes of nailing those double unders!  Happy skipping, crew!