Machina Man 2017

A: 8 min EMOM - alternate between max strict pull ups for one unbroken set and max kipping HSPU for one unbroken set.

B:21 min EMOM of - 1st minute - 1 power clean, 1 front squat, 1 jerk, 2nd minute 2 of each, 3rd minute 3 of each, 4th minute back to one of each .... Notes - 1 You cannot squat clean the first rep, 2. On the second and third round you must do 2 or 3 cleans, then 2 or 3 squats and finish with the jerks, it is not 1 of each for two and three rounds, 3. Finally you may thruster out of the first squat if you are strong enough. The weight is 185/135 - this should represent about 60-70% of your 1 RM clean and jerk.

C: Squats - 6x5 at 70% (after class)