3 seperate WODs with a 7 minute time cap. 2 minute rest in between each - score is total rest.
WOD 1 - Row 100/80 calories.
WOD 2 - 75 WB 20/14, 150 DU,
WOD 3 - 15 rounds of 1 squat clean thruster at 185/125 and 4 bar hop burpees.
3 seperate WODs with a 7 minute time cap. 2 minute rest in between each - score is total rest.
WOD 1 - Row 100/80 calories.
WOD 2 - 75 WB 20/14, 150 DU,
WOD 3 - 15 rounds of 1 squat clean thruster at 185/125 and 4 bar hop burpees.
Part A: On the 2 minutes x 8 work up to a heavy clean
Part B: Open 19.5
Thrusters 95/65 and C2Bs