Proving Grounds #4 The Chipper

WOD 4 - “Chipper”

18:00 time cap

100 Bar Hop Burpees

75 Shoulder to Overhead

50 Snatch

25 Bar Muscle Up*

Elite - 75/55 pound for S2OH and snatch

Open, Masters - 75/55 for S2OH and snatch, *15 chest to bar into 10 bar muscle up (scaled option of step over burpees, 55/35 for S2OH and snatch and 25 sit up in place of BMU)

Teens - 55/35 for S2OH and snatch, *15 chest to bar into 10 bar muscle up

ZOOM at home option:

30 minute AMRAP

5 odd object deadlifts

9 burpees

12 push ups

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