A:Deadlifts -
1x6 at 60%, 3x5 at 65%, 2x5 at 70%
B: 12 RFT of:
6 DB push press 50/35, 6 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20,
Zoom at home option:
Join URL:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84031924535
At one of the following times:
6:00AM, Noon, and 6:30PM
Part A:
10 hollow body rocks
10 v-ups
10 sit-ups
10 sit-up to a twist
Rest 1 minute x 5 rounds
Part B: 1 *Curtis P - in the first minute. 2 in the second minute, 3 in the third minute ... until you can't fit them in the allocated minute
*Curtis P(homestyle) - lunge, lunge, squat, standing high jump