A: Rowing Intervals -
500m row - rest 1 minute x 5 at your 2km pace (-1)
B:5 minutes on of:
AMRAP Row 21 calories + 7 HSPU
rest 2 minutes
then 5 minutes of:
AMRAP 14 thrusters 95/65 14 T2B.
Zoom at home option:
Join URL:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84031924535
At one of the following times:
6:00AM, Noon, and 6:30PM
40 on 20 sec off x 10
rest 3 minutes x 3 cycles
In each 40 second piece
3 burpees
6 lunges
9 criss -cross (reach to the ground with both hands)
AMRAP odd object thruster