Part A: 2 min on 1 minute off X 5 of:
AMRAP 12 DB thrusters 35/25, 60 DU, 12 C2B,
rest 5 minutes then part
Part B: 2 min on 1 minute off X 5 of:
400m/300m of rowing AMRAP burpees over the rower.
Zoom in option:
To join our coached class for this WOD click on the following link:
At one of the following times:
6:00AM, Noon, or 6:30PM
21-15-9 of
Burpees followed by 75 Toe Taps or DU after each set
Rest 5 minutes
Odd Object DL and squat Jumps
Rest 5 Minutes
Skater hops and Odd object hang clean and jerk