A:4 min EMOM -
3 Full clean and jerk at 70%
Rest 2 minutes
4 min EMOM
2 Full clean and jerk at 80%
Rest 3 minutes
On the 2 mins x 3
1 Full clean and jerk at 90%
B: Deadlifts - 2x3 at 80%, 2x2 at 85%, 1x1 at 90%
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To join our coached class for this WOD click on the following link:
At one of the following times:
6:00AM, Noon, or 6:30PM
1 minute on 30 seconds off x 5
rest 2 minutes
x 5 cycles
5 Single arm Hang clean jerk per side
10 BW squats
AMRAP Burpees