Back in Miami...

A: 9 Minute AMRAP

+3 Hang Power Snatches (75, 55lb)

+3 Overhead Squats (75, 55lb)

30 Double Unders

-Add 3 repetitions to each of the barbell movements (3/3/30, 6/6/30, 9/9/30, 12/12/30... etc..) at the conclusion of each round.

Rest 5 minutes then

2 Rounds for time of:

30 Front squats 75/55

15 C2B

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To join our coached class for this WOD click on the following link:

At one of the following times:

6:00AM, Noon, or 6:30PM

Accumulate 100 KB swings

At the beginning of every minute

5 inch worms to a push up and back out