Pay Attention

4 minutes on 2 minutes off, 6 minutes on 2 minutes off, 8 mins on 2 minutes off, finish with 4 minutes on.
For this WOD you'll have to set the clock to count up from zero and track your work/rest.

The WOD is as follows - AMRAP - 5 BM, 10 farmer's carry 50/35lbs box steps overs (24/20) 20 single arm OH DB lunge steps (50/35), and 40 DB snatch.

Start each new work interval where you left off the last one. (Total work time is 22 minutes - total training time is 28 minutes)

Zoom Option at 6:00AM or Noon
Click on the link below to join the class

Zoom WOD:Part A: 75 seconds on 45 off seconds off X 6 rounds
50 Toe Taps
AMRAP DB Snatch 50/35

Rest 5 minutes

Part B: 75 seconds on 45 sec off x 6
25 Box Jump Overs
AMRAP Single Arm Devil PRess (50/35)