A: Grip Work
DB Hex Head hold
45 sec per side x 3
3 x20 wrist ext (very light)
B: Clean and Jerk
EMOM x10
1 Full clean and jerk at 80%
C: Deadlift
6x6 at 70% immediately followed by 6 high BJs
Rest 2 minutes between sets
A: Grip Work
DB Hex Head hold
45 sec per side x 3
3 x20 wrist ext (very light)
B: Clean and Jerk
EMOM x10
1 Full clean and jerk at 80%
C: Deadlift
6x6 at 70% immediately followed by 6 high BJs
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Start with:
21 Power snatches 95/65
12 shuttle runs
6 Wall Walks
Every round the wall walks go down by 1, and the runs go down by 2, and the snatches go down by 3.
Finish with:
6 Power snatches 95/65
2 shuttle runs
1 Wall Walks