A: Core work 12 min EMOM
1. 20 V-ups
2. 20 Knee tucks
3. 45 sec plank
4. 25 sec Ring support Hold
Part B:
For time, partitioned any way you wish:
30 ring muscle-ups
90 KBS 24/20kgs
180 DU
A: Core work 12 min EMOM
1. 20 V-ups
2. 20 Knee tucks
3. 45 sec plank
4. 25 sec Ring support Hold
Part B:
For time, partitioned any way you wish:
30 ring muscle-ups
90 KBS 24/20kgs
180 DU
Part A: 9 MIn EMOM
1. 40 sec plank hold
2. 20 star fish
3. 20 sec L-sit-hold (rings or parallettes)
Part B: "Open 15.5"
27-21-15-9 of
Row Cals and thrusters at 95/65
*4x world champion Matt Fraser did this in 5:19!