A: Deadlift
2x5 at 65%
2x3 at 75%
2x1 at 85%
1 AMRAP at 90%
B: Accessory - 3x12 single arm heavy rows
C: Rowing week #1
2km at Pace + 12
Rest 90 sec
3x row
500m at 2km pace with 0:45 sec rest in between
A: Deadlift
2x5 at 65%
2x3 at 75%
2x1 at 85%
1 AMRAP at 90%
B: Accessory - 3x12 single arm heavy rows
C: Rowing week #1
2km at Pace + 12
Rest 90 sec
3x row
500m at 2km pace with 0:45 sec rest in between
Complete 100 burpees to a 25lbs plate.
However at the start of each 2 mins including 3-2-1 go! You must buy in with:
40 feet of HW
10 KBS at 32/24 kgs
1 rope climb
Each 2 min interval is followed with a 60 sec set rest.
Cap is 10 rounds. Can you finish?