"On the 6 minutes on x 5
80 DU
20 DB snatch 50/35 lbs \
20 T2Bs
5 Wall walks
The goal is to be done in 4 mins and get 2 mins of rest.
*Score is your time on your slowest round."
"On the 6 minutes on x 5
80 DU
20 DB snatch 50/35 lbs \
20 T2Bs
5 Wall walks
The goal is to be done in 4 mins and get 2 mins of rest.
*Score is your time on your slowest round."
On the 6 minutes X 4 -
48 DU,
12 C2Bs,
15 thrusters at 115/85
12 C2Bs
48 DUs
*Score is total rest - so get after it!