4 RDS of:
3 x (5 T2Bs, 3 C2Bs,1 BM)
12 FS 135/95
Rest 4 mins
4 RDs for time of
3 x (Wall Walks + 2 HSPU)
12 Power snatch at 135/95
4 RDS of:
3 x (5 T2Bs, 3 C2Bs,1 BM)
12 FS 135/95
Rest 4 mins
4 RDs for time of
3 x (Wall Walks + 2 HSPU)
12 Power snatch at 135/95
With a 5 minute time CAP
Followed by 4 min rest X 4 rounds
60 DU
3 x (1 wall walk + 3 Wall Facing Handstand Push ups)
9 hang cleans 135/95
12 front squats at 135/95
60 DU