3 minutes on 90 seconds off x 6 rounds -
200m run, AMRAP with the remaining time 10 T2Bs + 20 KBS 24/16 + 30 DU
Start back with 10 T2Bs on every round. Score is total reps.
3 minutes on 90 seconds off x 6 rounds -
200m run, AMRAP with the remaining time 10 T2Bs + 20 KBS 24/16 + 30 DU
Start back with 10 T2Bs on every round. Score is total reps.
Part A: On the 2 minutes x 10 at increasing loads
1 Full clean
1 Push Press
1 Jerk
Part B: 6x6 squats at 65% (heavier than last week)