On the 10 min x 3 rounds
Round 1: 3 RFT 24 box jump overs (24/20), 12 HSPU
Round 2: 2 RFT: 12 BBJO, 6 Wall Walks
Round 3: 1 RFT 24 DB box step overs (50s/35s), 120 feet of hand walking
*Score is time in each round to complete tasks.
On the 10 min x 3 rounds
Round 1: 3 RFT 24 box jump overs (24/20), 12 HSPU
Round 2: 2 RFT: 12 BBJO, 6 Wall Walks
Round 3: 1 RFT 24 DB box step overs (50s/35s), 120 feet of hand walking
*Score is time in each round to complete tasks.
24 min AMRAP
50/40 Cal row
10 chest to deck push ups
20 DB thrusters 50/35
10 chest to deck push ups
20 Lunges with One DB held overhead and one in front rack 50/35
10 chest to deck push ups
20 C2B
10 chest to deck push ups