Handwalking to the wall?

Part A: 2min on 1 min Off for 7 rounds
Handwalk 10 feet to the wall hit 10 HSPU
15 KBS 2/1.5/1.5/1
AMRAP Burpees

What's Parker doing?
For Time From Rack
30 Back squats 225/155
300 DU
20 BS
200 DU
10 BS
100 DU

Weightlifting Week 2 Day 1

A: 2 High hang full snatch, 2 sets at each weight, go up by 5-10 lbs increments. Go up as long as you hit one of two sets.
B: 1 power clean+ 1 push press + 1 jerk- work up to 77.5% of 1 RM clean and jerk
C: snatch pulls 3 X 4 at 95% of 1 RM snatch

D: Back Squats - 5X5 at 70%

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