In celebration of Jason's 36th birthday:)  Born in 1978

therefore 78 reps total per movement

Partner WOD


Only one athlete working at a time...you must complete each movement before moving on to the next one...Ready, Set, GO!

H - Hang Cleans 95/65

A - Air Squats

P - Push Ups

P - Pull Ups

Y - YEAH!!!  No exercise starts with 'y'

B- Burpees

I - Inverted row (ring rows)

R - Ring Dips

T - Thrusters 95/65

H - Handstand Push Ups

D - Deadlift 95/65

A - Ab Roll-outs

Y - YEAH!!!  No exercise starts with 'y'

J - Jumping lunges

A - AB Twists - 20/16

S - Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65

O - Overhead Squat 95/65

N - No complaining...finish with a 500 m partner run;)