Welcome to the Prairies"

30 calories row
30 Bj overs 24/20
30 thrusters 95/65
30 T2B
30 Thrusters
30 Bj over
30 calorie row
Oly Program:
A: 2 snatch grip deadlifts + 1 pwr snatc + 1 OHS four sets at each weight go up in weight when successful 3/4.  Go up until you fail 2/4.
B: 1 full clean + 2 squats.  four sets at each weight go up in weight when successful 3/4.  Go up until you fail 2/4.
C: EMOM: Push press triples from rack at 70% for 7 minutes
D: 1 set AMRAP GHD back extensions