Do We Need “The Games”?

This past weekend the five fittest men and five fittest women in the world had an opportunity to compete against at the CrossFit Games. “The Games” essentially represent our sports world championships. It’s an opportunity for the rest of us in watch the very best in the sport do their thing. Other than watching some real good fitness and spending some time on the couch, why do we really need the Games?  After all, Crossfit is for everyone!


In our own gyms we often pick out a group of “the most fit” people or most fit person and look to them for inspiration. It’s inspiring to look at those people, watch what they do and use that to drive us going forward in our training; in our health journey. Truth be told, those “most fit” people also aspire to be more fit. One of the beautiful things about Crossfit is that there will always be something to keep us in check. No matter how good we might be at one thing, there is a whole array of things that also need a whole lot of work. 

A group of the top athletes at 306 took on one of the Games workouts on Friday this past week just to give it a go. The event consisted of lunges with two heavy kettlebells and toes to bar. A quick and simple workout. The times posted by some of those “most fit” people at our gym were between seven and nine minutes. Pretty quick for a challenging workout where a lot of people wouldn’t even be able to pick up two heavy kettlebells. The athletes at the Crossfit Games took on the event on Saturday morning. They made our top athletes look silly!  They completed the same workout in less than half of the time. That’s right. Those Games athletes could have essentially done the workout twice in the time it took. 

If we didn’t have the Games and a place for the top athletes in the world to showcase their fitness, we would look to those “most fit” people in our gym and think “that’s it!”  In reality, while those people are extremely fit, they are only scratching the surface. By the second best aspiring to be as good as the first best, the third best is aspiring to be as good as the second and the process continues. We all need something to aspire to!  The Games gave us a very good picture of the best in the world and what they are capable of. Something that anyone who does Crossfit can be inspired by. 

If you haven’t taken the time to watch any of the coverage from this past weekend, head on over to YouTube and search “Crossfit Games”.  The coverage is amazing and put together in a very good production. While we might not have any motivation of ever making it to the Games and pinnacle of the sport, I guarantee it will shed some light on what the human body is capable of and give you an appreciation of what YOU are capable of!