The Snatch Pt 1

Tomorrow is Wednesday and (spoiler alert so stop right here if you don’t want to know what the WOD is going to be) we are returning to Weightlifting Wednesday this week. We have spent the last couple months of lifting days going through and testing our deadlift and then our squat clean. Progressing on, next up is the snatch. 


The snatch requires the most amount of technique of any barbell movement we do in the gym (potentially of any movement period).  There are all kinds of nuances to refining and perfecting a perfect lift. Ask any lifter and they will tell you, once you have a good lift, trying to then replicate that exact lift over and over becomes the challenge. In the next couple of blogs, I’ll share some good (and more importantly “simple”) technique blogs that I have found to help me. 

The first one I’ll share is from CrossFit Invictus’ Coach Jared Enderton. Jared is one of the strongest lifters in CrossFit and has competed at the Games on CrossFit Invictus team on several occasions. As learning and executing the snatch is a constant growing curve, his expertise is something I look to and follow on the snatch in particular. Take a read of what he has to say and try and put it into practise tomorrow for week 1 of our snatch training. 

Follow the link below and give his article a quick read before tomorrow’s class!  I promise it will come in handy.