CrossFit Kids at 306


CoVid. It’s been a real bummer on everyone. As much as it has been a bummer on all of us adults, i think it has been more of a bummer on the kids. Their school stopped suddenly (probably not the worst thing in the world to most of them but...), they weren’t able to go out and play with friends and then most of their regular activities and sports were cancelled. They’re left with empty pop bottles and rocks to play with!  Ok. Well maybe not quite but if your kids are anything like mine, they need something to do!  

In case you haven’t heard already, we have an answer for you. At 306 we are now offering CrossFit Kids five days a week from 4:30 - 5:30pm. The group is open to ages 9 to 13. Coach Elaina has been taking kids through the importance of proper movement patterns using the CrossFit philosophy of “constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity”.  

The importance of movement in children is nothing new. From prevention of common childhood illnesses, to helping keep them attentive and alert in school throughout the day; movement plays a very important role in their lives. Not only will they have a whole lot of fun in our program, but they will learn the value of hard work while seeing the results of their efforts. 


If you would like more information or would like to register a child for the program, head on over to our website linked below or feel free to talk to your Coach for more information. If you have children 14 or older, why not have them hop in on a group class right along side you?  Your Coach will make sure the workout is adjusted and scaled for them. Have children younger than 9 and looking to get them moving and active, stay tuned!  We have something in the works for them as well. 

Let’s keep our children healthy, happy and active!