I know that I have said this before, and I will say it again - EAT YOUR VEGGIES! or you can drink them if you can't seem to get them in. I love veggies and I am happy that my kids do as well. One of the things that I have changed is making veggies the star of meal time. Growing up, it was always meat, potatoes and then the veggies were the side or afterthought. I think this is true everywhere in our culture. If you go out for dinner, the protein is always the star. The truth is, most people in North America get plenty of protein, seriously, when was the last time you had a 3-4 oz. portion of meat? It really isn't that much and I would guess that the average person would probably have 8-12 oz. as a serving size. If you aren't sure what the portions look like, weigh it out on a food scale to help you see what the portion looks like.
Here's a little trick to help you increase your veggie intake. Whenever you go to eat, make sure that you put a vegetable in your mouth first. When you are super hungry at the end of the day, start your meal with your salad, soup or vegetable dish. Not only does it satisfy your hunger and ensure that you are getting enough nutrients, it also help prevent you from over eating other more calorically dense foods with less nutritional value. We've all been to a restaurant where they bring a bread basket or 2 while you wait for the meal. In the moment, you are so hungry and it is just the right amount of warm with whipped butter on the side, I mean who doesn't want that. The problem is that you fill up on the bread and then probably skip out on the salad. So, give it a try - opt for a big serving of veggies to start your meals off and see how you feel.
Here's another little trick to get your veggies in - drink them. I had an awesome juice that I would make and it was the perfect snack and my kids loved it too. Juice: beets, kale, cucumber, apple and then you can use a little mint or ginger in there as well. You lose out on the fiber but you do get the nutrients and it's good in a pinch. You can also add spinach or kale to your protein smoothie as well. Increase your intake and track how you are feeling. I guarantee that your energy levels will go way up.