Barter and Trade

When it comes to saving money, one of my favorite concepts is barter and trade. I would love to see this be more a part of our society. The truth is, we all have skills and talents to offer. Maybe you are an accountant and can file taxes for your friend who is a carpenter who can build you that murphy bed in the guest room that you have been dying to get. You see, it doesn't come down to a $$ amount, it comes down to trading a need for a need. Both parties find equal value in each other's skills.

This is something that we have used over the years and I hope to continue to do it. My daughter does it to help cover the costs for her horse. She can do barn chores and help with other horses and in turn, she can earn money off of the costs of her activity. I also do it to help cover a portion of costs for my daughter's dance. I can coach conditioning and I don't see a paycheck but just a reduction in her fees. We are just trading services so that our cash output is less.

So, what are the skills that you have? Who do you know that have skills that you need? It may seem a little weird, but there is no harm in asking. Throw it out there and you never know what will come back. This is such a great way to not only connect with people but to save some cash as well. Instead of having to put off those music lessons you have been dying to take, see if the teacher will teach in return for doing their bookkeeping (or whatever skill you have). You never know unless you ask.