Uniforms for the win

Did you have a school uniform? I remember thinking how awful it would be, but now I kind of like the idea of a uniform. Here's another way for you to save some $$$ - create yourself a uniform. Sounds crazy, but hear me out. Fashion is cool and I admire people that have these incredible wardrobes. I am not very fashionable and I also do not have a budget to keep on top of trends or have multiple pairs of shoes.

I do want to feel good with how I look and I also don't want to stress about what to wear. So, I have kind of given myself a uniform. I try to keep my work clothes very neutral, greys, blacks, and whites. If I know that I always wear black pants to work, it's one less decision that I have to make (I just wear the clean ones). I also keep the tops neutral but have a few pieces that I can throw on for color. If I find a pair of pants that I like, I might buy 4 pairs of them. Same thing with shirts - a basic sweater or blouse that fits and wears well, I just might get 1 in each color and my wardrobe is set.

You can do the same for workout gear. Don't get me wrong, I have bright yellow leggings, so I understand the love for "fun gear" but my base is black leggings and tank tops. Anything goes with black, so it's easy to grab and go to the gym.

Here's another challenge for you - only shop for needs, not wants. Do you really need a new pair of shoes or do you just really want that cool pair? Do you need a new dress or do you just want one? When trying to save some cash, it's important to focus on needs and not wants. You can check out consignment stores, Value Village or buy and sell groups. You can also sell your old clothes to make a little $$ for the new ones.

If you have kids, you can encourage them to make a uniform too. No one needs 17 pairs of jeans, trust me. Get them to pair it down and use what they have. They can always trade with friends if they want to change their wardrobe. So, as you go through this month, resist the urge to buy more stuff. Clean out what you have, decide what you need and go from there.