Happy New Year...just a day late;)

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am completely aware that I am a day late with this post. I tried to write yesterday, but I couldn't put my feelings into words just yet. I think that I just needed a little time to process.

You see, normally, I feel this great sense of renewal on New Year's Day. It is a fresh start to the year with an opportunity to reflect on the past 365 days and set some goals for the next 365. The trouble is, this year, I would have to describe my feeling as "meh". Sure, it's a New Year, but what will that really change? Will the pandemic be over? Nope. Can I operate my business with bigger class sizes and no masks to train? Nope. Can I take a holiday? Also, nope. Sure, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel with the vaccine, but that is a process in itself.

I realized that even though I don't "feel" like this is a fresh new page, I have to do the things to plan and set myself up for success for 2021. Today, I will open my fresh new day timer (one of my favorite things to do). I will write my goals out and really reflect on what I want to accomplish. I realize that even though things get hard, my happiness is an inside job. I will continue to work on learning and growing to be a constantly better version of myself. I have goals and I may have to take a detour or side road to get to them, but I can still be moving in that direction. I will continue to dream big and I will also respect and honor my feelings and capacity along the way. I will be kind to others and myself and I will aim to do all things with love.

I am excited for the opportunities that lie ahead. I am excited to hug people again. I am excited to travel again. I am also inspired to work to give back and help others in need. This year, I will continue to show up for my tribe and I will open myself up to new connections. So, even if you are like me and it's taking a little more effort to be inspired this year, just put one foot in front of the other. Set your goals and intentions and live each day to get you there. Throughout this month, I will share some of the things that I am doing to reach my goals. What are your favorite NY rituals to start the year off?