Setting your priorities

Do you find that you "know" all the things that you need to do to improve your life/fitness/work/relationships/etc. but struggle to stay on track with the habits that are meant to get you there? You've read all the books and listened to the podcasts and you implement habits, but before long, you are off course and just surviving your life.

If this sounds familiar and you find it hard to set your daily priorities, ask yourself if you have a clear goal. I mean a real big picture, specific, where you see yourself in 5 or 10 years goal. "I want to be fitter" is not a good goal. "I want to run a half marathon in 1:45" - that is a much more clear and concise goal. Having clarity helps you to set your daily priorities.

"Exercising clarity appears to change a structure in the brain called the inferior frontal cortex, which is involved in attention control and decision making". The more you focus, the better you get at it.

So, ask yourself, "what is your dream"? Where do you want to live? What kind of work do you want to do? What does your family look like? What does your "perfect day" look like? Dream big and write them down. When you have a clear picture, it is much easier to see the the path you need to take to get there.

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