306 W.C. at the Canadian jr Championships!

A quick recap of our clubs performance this past weekend at the Canadian Jr Championships in Scarborough Ontario.

Nizanna Corrigan - First nationals, hit a personal best clean and jerk!

Liv Mortensen - 3 new youth provincial records and a 28kg improvement from last year. 119kgs to 147kgs!!

Carter Pavelich- Came back from a dislocated shoulder to pick up a silver medal in the CJ and narrowly missed a medal in the total.

Owen Withrow - New comp PRs. Added 21kgs to his National total from last year.  From 188kgs-209kgs!

Ben Rogers - 2 bronze medals, one for each the C&J and total!

Brynn Delainey - Officially made international standard level 2! Qualified for both PanAms and Commonwealth championships!

Erica Schryer- Became our clubs third national champion in 4 years! Triple golds (snatch, C&J, and total) and 3 new Jr Provincial records!

A total of 6 medals including three golds.  An incredible performance by our Jrs in our club!

Another huge testament to the quality of coaching and programming offered by our coaching team - Jack Nash, Nick Korchinski, and myself.

Bring on the 2024/2025 season!