It's a throw down!!

This weekend we will be hosting the Sweat RX Championships.  This throwdown is design to select individuals to represent our region, the Prairies, at the National Championships to be held in Toronto in August.  Our region has been allocated five bids for Nationals in the following categories:  Rx team, scale team, and women and men masters.  Our gym will be incredibly well represented with 6 Masters competing, 4 scale teams, and 1 Rx team.  So here is the schedule for the weekend.

Friday 6PM registration for the Masters
Friday 6:30 PM first event for the Masters
Friday 8:00PM WOD 2 for the Masters 

Saturday 9AM Registrations for Rx team
Saturday 9:45 AM WOD 1 for RX teams
Saturday 11AM WOD 2 for Masters
Saturday Noon WOD 2 Rx team
Saturday 1pm WOD 3 Rx team
Saturday  2:30PM finals for Masters
Saturday 3PM finals for Rx teams
Saturday 4PM Awards 

Sunday 9AM registration for Scale Teams
Sunday 9:45 WOD 1 Scale teams
Sunday 11:00 WOD 2 Scale teams
Sunday 1:00 WOD 3 Scale teams
Sunday 2:00 Sled Barrow Challenge for charity
Sunday 3;00 Finals for Scale teams
Awards to follow 
Spectators are encouraged to come and enjoy the festivities.
Any questions please call Jason at 306-203-0666.