Who's my coach and when can I train?

As of February 01st, all schedule changes will be in effect.  This means that we have MORE classes!  We have crossfit Monday thru Thursday in the 7:00pm time slot, Power Lifting on Wednesday nights from 8:00-9:30pm and 12 - 2:00pm on Sundays.  Olympic lifting has moved to Saturdays at 1:00pm and we have added a noon crossfit class on Saturday as well.  You can check out the full schedule on the website under schedule.  

Curious about who will be coaching your class?  Here is our standard schedule moving forward:

Monday - Thursday: 6, 7, 10 and noon - Rebecca
Monday - Thursday: evenings - Jason
Tuesday/Thursday: 7:00pm - Boh
Friday: 6, 7, 10 and noon - Jason
Friday evening: Rebecca
Saturday: Viki
Sunday: Ty
Power Lifting - Connor and/or Mark
Olympic Lifting - Jason 

We are excited to have more to offer from more crossfit to power lifting.  It is going to be a great year!