News & Events | CrossFit 306

Thank-you & Welcome

Thank-you & Welcome

We would like to take this opportunity to thank LT for her coaching over the past months.  LT is a huge part of our community and has decided to further her education, returning to school in the fall.  We wish her nothing but the best in her endeavours.  LT's last coaching day will be July 28th.   

We are very excited to welcome Eric Peterson to our full-time coaching staff.  Eric has been a part of our community for the last few years.  He recently graduated with his finance degree and has passion for health, wellness and business.  He will share mornings with Rebecca along with building his own business of clients and programs.  He will be starting in the beginning of August.  We are excited to have Eric's passion and expertise join our team.  We are looking forward to another great year!






It’s Saturday night and things are winding down at our house.  I am sitting here reflecting on our day.  To be honest, I have been waiting for someone to tell me that there was a crazy mistake and our dear friend is not actually fighting against stage 4 pancreatic cancer.  It has all seemed too strange…Why?  How is it possible?  He is so fit and strong!  I guess that’s one of the more frustrating things about cancer, we don’t know why it affects some people, nor do we have the control to make it all better. 

Gainz Locker coming to 306!

Gainz Locker coming to 306!

We are super excited to be bringing in fresh food from Gainz Locker! Starting Wednesday, we will have ready made meals available, making it easier to fit good nutrition into your busy schedule. You can also pre-order meals for work or when you are too busy to meal prep and pick them up right at the gym. Check them out at

Gainzlocker was created to give you more freedom by providing you with the healthy food you need, when you need it, and where you need it. Because nutrient packed, whole food meals shouldn’t be a luxury, they should be a standard. We’ve made it our goal to ensure your standards are met while also giving you back your time."

Welcome Coach L.T!

Welcome Coach L.T!

It is my pleasure to welcome Laurie to our coaching staff!  Laurie has been with us since the first day we opened our doors.  She is not only a great athlete, she has a positive attitude an adventurous spirit.  She also might break out in a little dance if her 'jam' is on.  L.T (as she is known) will start by coaching Saturdays with Sam and then she will be taking some mornings as well.  Be sure to give her a 'high 5' and welcome when you see her:).  Welcome L.T!

Rice Krispies for recovery

Rice Krispies for recovery

Customize these Rice Krispies to meet your personal flavour preferences. A tasty treat or post-workout snack!

If you tracking your food in MyFitnessPal, I have made some setting changes to my blog which allows you to enter the blog URL (website address) into the Recipe Database on your MyFitnessPal. This allows you to retrieve accurate Nutrition Facts per serving when you follow the exact recipe! You can still make alterations to the recipes to adjust the Nutrition Facts for any changes or add-ins to the recipe :)…/Jeffs-Customizable-Rice-Krisp…

Farm One Forty

Farm One Forty

Exciting news!  Farm One Forty will be offering bi-weekly delivery of their grass-fed, sustainably raised beef, lamb, chicken, pork and eggs for Cross Fit 306 members at the gym (3634 Mitchelmore Ave b) every second Wednesday.  If you want to get in on the action just sign up for the bi-weekly mailing list here to receive the order form the Sunday prior to delivery.  Place your order and pre pay either by E-transfer or PayPal and the order items will be brought to Cross Fit 306 for you to pick up anytime after Wednesday evening.  For more information about Farm One Forty, check out their website and/or their Facebook page,

Victory loves Preparation!

Victory loves Preparation!

The future is bright for our 306 Weightlifting Program! This past weekend Tori MacDonald and Jack Nash travelled to Montreal to compete in the Canadian Jr National Weightlifting Championships. Both our lifters trained hard through the holidays to prep for this meet. Their hard work and determination was rewarded as they both put up lifetime best lifts on the biggest stage of their early careers. We look forward to their continued development and success.
- Coach



Here’s to another rotation around the sun – HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


It’s time for my annual post.  It’s always a good exercise to reflect on the past year, take the lessons we have learned and make 2017 even better than 2016.  2016 was filled with highs and lows.  Sometimes the lows hit you harder than you expect but the highs thankfully offset those. 

Holiday Hours 2016

Holiday Hours 2016

Please take note of our upcoming schedule changes for the holidays.

Friday Dec 23 - Gym opens at 9:50AM - Classes at 10am, noon, 3,4,5 - Gym closes at 6:15 pm

Saturday Dec 24th -  Gym opens at 9:00 AM - Classes at 9:30 and 11:30 only (12 Days of Christmas WOD)

Dec 25th and 26th - Gym closed

Dec 27th-Dec 30 -  Gym opens at 9:50AM - Classes at 10am, noon, 3,4,5 - Gym closes at 6:15pm

Dec 31st - Gym opens at 9:00 AM - Classes at 9:30 and 11:30 only (New year's Eve Partner WOD)

Jan 1st and 2nd - Gym Closed

Gala Information

Gala Information

Ok everyone, the gala is fast approaching - tomorrow night! Here's what you need to know:

1. Cocktails are at 6:00PM
2. Dinner at 7:00PM
3. You should have your character, props, etc.
4. I will brief everyone on the full story and what to do once everyone has arrived. 
5. Everything is happening at the Saskatoon Club
6. The game will take between 2-3 hours to play
7. We will have a DJ for after dinner and the mystery has been solved...