A: 6 minutes to complete as much of the following row 1000m, 50 push press 45/35 (empty bar) 25 ring dips (if you finish you get additional rest), rest 3 minutes, B: run 1 mile. Score is time on part A or ring dips completed) + time on 1 mile.
A: 6 minutes to complete as much of the following row 1000m, 50 push press 45/35 (empty bar) 25 ring dips (if you finish you get additional rest), rest 3 minutes, B: run 1 mile. Score is time on part A or ring dips completed) + time on 1 mile.
Part A: On the 2 minutes x 8 work up to a heavy clean
Part B: Open 19.5
Thrusters 95/65 and C2Bs