On the 2:00 min x 10 work up to a new 1 RM clean and jerk!
Zoom from home option:
6:00AM, Noon, 6:30PM
Odd object snatch
One round of the following after each set:
5 push ups
10 sit-ups
15 squats
On the 2:00 min x 10 work up to a new 1 RM clean and jerk!
Zoom from home option:
6:00AM, Noon, 6:30PM
Odd object snatch
One round of the following after each set:
5 push ups
10 sit-ups
15 squats
Part A: On the 2 minutes x 8 work up to a heavy clean
Part B: Open 19.5
Thrusters 95/65 and C2Bs