Proving Grounds #5 - Marathon Row

WOD 5 - “Marathon”

30:00 time cap

2000/1600 m Row, 25 Burpees over rower, 25 handstand push up

1000/800 m Row, 25 Burpees over rower, 25 handstand push up

500/400 m Row, 25 Burpees over rower, 25 handstand push up*

Elite - as written

Open, Masters, Teens - same distance on the rower, same quantity burpees over rower, first set regular push ups, second set regular push ups, third set handstand push ups (scaled option of push ups to 24” box and step over burpees)

ZOOM at home options at 7:00AM, Noon, and 6:30PM

Partition the movements as you would like:

100 lunges

100 squats

100 odd object deadlifts

100 object press

To join our coached class for this WOD click on the following link: