Open Hangover

7 minutes on 2 minutes off, 7 minutes on, 4 mins off, finish with 7 minutes on.

For this WOD you'll have to set the clock to count up from zero and track your work/rest.

The WOD is as follows - AMRAP - 18 Box jump overs 24/20", 14(7 per arm) One arm DB thrusters at 50/35, 10 T2B. Start where you finish on every work interval.

At Home Zoom Option offered at 6:00AM and Noon

Zoom link:

Zoom WOD:

Tabatta - Max reps with 20 sec on / 10 sec off x 8 rounds /movements

Mountain Climbers

Med Ball Twist

Odd Object seated strict Press

Odd object KBS

Rest 3 minutes and repeat