A: Push Press - week #5
7x4 at 70% of 1 RM clean and Jerk
B: Jerks from block
Every 90 sec x 8
1 rep at 85%
C:10-1 of Devils Press 35/25
4 gym shuttle sprints after each set
A: Push Press - week #5
7x4 at 70% of 1 RM clean and Jerk
B: Jerks from block
Every 90 sec x 8
1 rep at 85%
C:10-1 of Devils Press 35/25
4 gym shuttle sprints after each set
Partner WOD
Switch as needed, and only one athlete working at a time.
30 rounds of
1 Clean 225/155
3 Strict HSPU
5 WB
Followed by partner
DU and sit-ups
Finish with
Thrusters at 95/65
Pull ups