A: Clean and Jerk complex on the 2:20:
1 hang clean + 1 low hang clean (below the knee) + 1 full clean 1 jerk at x 4 sets at 60%, 65%, and 70%
B: Push press triples - 10 sets in the range of 60%-70% of your 1RM clean and jerk
A: Clean and Jerk complex on the 2:20:
1 hang clean + 1 low hang clean (below the knee) + 1 full clean 1 jerk at x 4 sets at 60%, 65%, and 70%
B: Push press triples - 10 sets in the range of 60%-70% of your 1RM clean and jerk
1:30 min on 1:30 min off - X 12 rounds -
Odd rounds -
18 WBs
6 BM
AMRAP Cal row
Even rounds -
16 DB Push press 50/35 lbs
16 T2Bs
AMRAP Cal row
*Score is totals Cals