A: Tabata Row (20 sec on 10 sec off x 8 for max clas)
Rest 3 mins
x 3 rounds
Rest a full 5 mins and
B: Finish with 15-10-5 of row cals with and 15-10-5 of Double arm devil press 50/35
A: Tabata Row (20 sec on 10 sec off x 8 for max clas)
Rest 3 mins
x 3 rounds
Rest a full 5 mins and
B: Finish with 15-10-5 of row cals with and 15-10-5 of Double arm devil press 50/35
*Note no classes at 5:30 or 6:30 this evening as we will be setting up for the weightlifting meet.
A: EMOM x 3
5 full cleans at 60%
Rest 2 mins
EMOM x 3
4 full cleans at 65%
EMOM x 3
3 full cleans at 70%
Part B:"Open 19.4"
For total time:
3 rounds of:
10 snatches 95/65
12 bar-facing burpees
Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with:
3 rounds of:
10 bar muscle-ups
12 bar-facing burpees